








Some working parents think that childcare centers providethe best care for children who are still too young to go to school. Otherworking parents think that family members such as grandparents will be bettercarers for their children.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.


Grandparents have many life experiences which can sharewith their grandchildren. In addition, children can learn from their grandparents’ stories to lead them in a right way in their lifestyle. What’s more, kids can feel the love fromtheir family, so that they will not form anti-social behavior. Also,many grandparents have much time to look after their grandchildren after theyretire. For all these reasons, I think working parents should ask their parentsfor help to take care of their children instead of sending kids to childcarecentres.

这位学生在论述“家庭成员照顾小孩”的主体段中,罗列了四个理由:1. 祖父母人生经验丰富 2 孩子可以学习祖父母的人生经验 3 孩子可以感受到家庭温暖 4 祖父母有很多时间照顾孩子。

乍眼一看,写了好多理由,但仔细分析,每个理由都没有充分展开论证,其中,理由1和2 其实是一个点,完全可以合并,中间无需使用 In addition,这属于滥用关联词;理由3,kids can feel the love from their family 和they will not form anti-social behavior之间逻辑跳跃,中间缺乏因果逻辑链;理由4 many grandparents have much time to look after theirgrandchildren,只提到了现象,没有继续拓展,“有时间照顾” 对 “孩子”有什么用呢,能给家庭带来什么益处呢?没有提到结果。


Band 8 presents a well-developed response to thequestion with relevant, extended and supported ideas





Every year several languages die out. Some people thinkthat this is not important because life will be easier if there are fewerlanguages in the world. To what extent do you agree or disagree with thisopinion?


However, the costs that one has to bear to accept theextinction of a language is massive. One of the most important ones is the lossof the sense of cultural belongings. We could take China as an example. Whenthe People’s Republic of China was founded, citizens had a low literary level,and could not communicate with people from other cities or provinces well. Thegovernment then implemented the policy of “speaking standard Chinese Mandarin”throughout the whole country. Within a couple of decades, people in everycorner of the country have learned to speak standard Mandarin. However, manymillennials whose grandparents adopt Cantonese, Hokkien, or Shanghainese asmother languages, had found it hard to participate in their relatives’ daily conversations and could not bring themselves into the local cultures. The loss of the cultural identity had made youngsters feel being isolated, and at the same time, had made their parents and grandparents uneasy because they wereafraid that the cultural gaps among generations would be deepened. The Chinesegovernment then noticed the phenomenon and started to emphasize the importanceof exposing young generation to local languages while speaking standardMandarin well.






大作文的另一大误区就是“语言丰富性”,很多学生认为,语言丰富,就是要尽量用big words,写一堆花里胡哨的单词和句型,就能拿到高分。但是,我们要知道,作文的首要目的是传达信息,如果写出来的句子考官都看不懂,那么即便用了再复杂的句型和词汇,也是徒劳。



A foreign company willextremely stimulate the developing country’s step into a considerably beneficialcompetition in long term and eventually helps the country significantly promotetheir economies.

这句话看上去词汇非常丰富,用了extremely,beneficial, considerably, eventually,significantly很多修饰语,但是,整句话读起来非常拗口,stimulate … step into… 以及considerably beneficialcompetition 这些搭配非常Chinglish,其实这句话想要表达的无非2个概念,引进外商能够帮助发展中国家营造良好的竞争环境,从而促进经济发展,这2个概念之间是因果逻辑,我们不妨用plain English 先把这层概念表达出来,然后再用thus连接两个分句:

The invitation of foreigncompanies will help developing countries to create an environment of healthycompetition, thus promoting the economy of developing countries in along term.


The lack of timestudents devote to compulsory voluntary work that they could have saved up forstudy can be hard to be compensated by the result of the former, taking intoaccount that the test score which a student could get is the sole criteria thatdetermines what levels of universities they could go in some countries.

这句话写得相当复杂,这位学生故意设计了定语从句、被动态、非谓语等很多句型,可惜,最后把自己绕进去了,出现了逻辑错误。他想要表达的意思是:把原本花在学习上的时间用在了志愿服务上,会影响学业成绩,而在一些国家,能否上一个好大学,取决于分数,而非志愿服务。按照他原本的意思,lack of 是多余的,加了lack of ,反而出现了逻辑错误。


Requiring each student to participate in voluntary workmeans that their time and energy devoted to academic study may be reduced, whichwill undermine their academic performance. In some countries such as China, theadmission to a prestigious university depends on academic results rather thanvoluntary work.



The best solution for this problem would be informing peopleabout what they eat, because sometimes we don’t know that. They have already donesomething to inform people about the characteristics of food, of course, andlabels are one of the most important things, as they tell us all theingredients of a particular food. Yet, not many people spend some of their timereading labels…

这段话看上去并没有很“高级”,甚至有一些“口语化”,但是在考官眼里,这段话的句型和词汇是“丰富”的!考官评语中写道:考生使用了a range of linking devices,比如 Yet,使用了a good range of vocabulary,比如 informing peopleabout what they eat





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