ArgumentEssay是国外大学里再普通不过的 essay,我们许多学生在写 argumentessay时,可能会胡乱写,这种做法是不可的,在英语学习的过程中,很多学生在写 argumentessay的文章时可能会写得不太好,这是不可的,在英语学习的过程中,要做简单的定义或说明。位置的明确性才刚刚开始,一个高级别的 argumentessay的主体段落论证是非常充分和令人信服的。相对于正文的论证部分,开头部分要简单,写得好。重点在于,如果你希望 ArgumentEssay能拿到更高的分数,那就不要再用无聊的语言来开始了!这是非常重要的。
下面代写小编整理了几个argument essay题目以及开头段的写作范文,我们就以实例范文来为大家剖析如何写开头段:
题目1:To what extent do you think China is a global innovation powerhouse?
开头段:Innovation, properly understood, should not be equated with invention. Etymologically, innovation is a form of renewing or reshuffling existing components or systems. Just as any abstract concept, innovation can be measured on a scale: North Korea and Afghanistan at one end of the spectrum, Israel and America on the other. China, though an emerging welterweight performer, is hardly a global innovator.
题目2:Is affirmative action a just mechanism? Why or why not?
开头段:However many variants it has across the globe, and however differing the circumstances have been, affirmative action can be said to be a preferential mechanism for certain groups of people in a society who are deemed to have been historically wronged and/or are still disadvantaged. Such a scheme per se does not guarantee that it is a just one. As a matter of fact, affirmative action is a well-meaning theory at best and an ill-functioning policy at worst.
题目3:Do you agree that the language we speak shapes how we think?
开头段:At the one end of this long-standing disturbing issue stands Benjamin Lee Whorf, who famously argued for linguistic relativity; at the other end, notably Noam Chomsky, who trumpets universalism. Despite the refreshing research done by Lera Boroditsky, I am more Chomskian than Whorfian.
剖析:这个开头段仅有两句话。读者应该能够发现这篇文章是基于阅读材料的。没错,所以里面提到了话题相关的核心人物。第一句简要概括这个题目背后涉及到的语言学争论,第二句干脆利落表明立场。力争做到像《风格的要素》(The Elements of Style) 里说的一样”every word tell”。
题目4:Is governmental funding the best source for the arts?
开头段:Among all the possible sources of funding for the arts, governmental funding, albeit imperfect, stands out as the best.
1. 真正的写作,包括开头写作,应该关乎自由的思想和真诚的表达,而不是受教条式模板、方法、理论的束缚。
2. 言必有物。语言是人的工具,永远要为人服务。人不能是语言的奴隶。
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